📍 Byt je svetlý a vzdušný, pozostáva z predsiene, kde je veľký šatník, samostatné WC a kúpeľňa s vaňou a práčkou, spálňa so vstavaným šatníkom a spojená obývačka s kuchynskou linkou so všetkými spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou.
📍 K bytu prislúcha aj pivnica o výmere 2,5m2
📍 Parkovacie miesto je v cene nájmu
🛒Kompletná občianska vybavenosť : v pešej dostupnosti potraviny YEME v Ponorama City, OC EUROVEA , OC Nové Nivy.
Byt je vhodný pre 1/2 osoby , pár . ( bez zvieratiek )
Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí následovné :
💸Nájom 800 € + 200 € energie + 50 € parkovacie miesto ,vrátane poplatku za TV a internet.
💎 2-room apartment with a balcony in the new Klingerka building on Súkennícka Street , 31st floor with beuatiful viewing
📍 The apartment is brand new, fully furnished.
📍 Apartment area 54.8 m2 plus 4.9 m2 balcony, 31th floor / 35
📍 The apartment is bright and airy, consists of an entrance hall with a large wardrobe, a separate toilet and bathroom with a bathtub and a washing machine, a bedroom with a built-in wardrobe and a connected living room with a kitchen with all appliances and a dining area.
📍 The apartment also has a cellar with an area of 2.5 m2
📍 Parking space is included in price
🛒Complete civic amenities: within walking distance of YEME food in Ponorama City, OC EUROVEA, OC Nové Nivy.
The apartment is suitable for 1/2 person, a couple. (without animals)
When signing the contract, the following is payable:
💸 Rent 800 € + 200 € energie + 50 € parking place, Internet and TV
💸 Depozit 1050 €
💸 Legal service / Agency fee
Available from 1st of April
Viewings possible at any time, write me a message.
Plne vybavená kuchyňa / Fully equipped kitchen
Balkón s krásnym výhľadom a sedením / Balcony with beuatiful view and seating
Spálňa s úložným priestorom / Bedroom with lot of storage space